What is obvious to many is painfully
mystical to those on the spectrum
—Holly Burdick, Founder of Autism Solutions Group

At Autism Solutions Group, we help individuals on the Autism Spectrum to find the skills necessary to communicate effectively, develop satisfying relationships and create fulfilling lives.
Yes, it’s emotional. Yes, we can help.
We know so well the gamut of emotions you
go through parenting an autistic child.

It's a blessing, a burden, enlightening...
Depressing at times, yet rewarding. It’s a journey, and an adventure. It can be exhausting, and it sometimes makes your heart cry.
As a parent, you love your child deeply, but you can experience feelings of grief, anger, fear, and stress. You may worry that your vision for your child’s future has disappeared, that your relationship with your spouse will be strained, that your family will face mounting financial pressures. It's natural to feel overwhelmed.
We're here to help — we customize our process to meet your child's needs. It's a collaboration between us, your child, and you. As an adult, your child likely has ideas and plans of their own. Our focus is to work from where they are and take steps to move toward.
How We Work
Turning perceived deficits into Assets
Accepting clients
Just As They Are
Listening deeply with a MicroView™

Holly Burdick M.S
Throughout her career, Holly was often seen as the Pied Piper of students whose needs were not being met through traditional channels. Students gravitated to her, even if undiagnosed, or supposedly “normal.” Holly’s passion and commitment for people to live satisfying lives while making their contribution remains her primary goal in coaching young adults on the Autism Spectrum. In her last year of teaching high school, she mused with concern, “What will happen to my babies after they graduate?” From this heart-centered concern grew this business.