Our Team

Holly Burdick M.S.
Throughout her career, Holly was often seen as the Pied Piper of students whose needs were not being met through traditional channels. Students gravitated to her, even if undiagnosed, or supposedly “normal.” Holly’s passion and commitment for people to live satisfying lives while making their contribution remains her primary goal in coaching young adults on the Autism Spectrum. In her last year of teaching, she mused with concern, “What will happen to my babies after they graduate?” From this heart-centered concern grew this Autism Solutions Group. Click here to read more.

Allison Butwinski
Allison is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience working with individuals on the Autism Spectrum from ages 18 months to adulthood. Allison comes with a background in education starting her career at The Central North Carolina School for the Deaf, teaching elementary aged students on the autism spectrum with hearing impairments. She found herself intrigued and fascinated by the complexities and nuances of these students. She followed this as a public middle school Inclusion Coordinator for students on the spectrum. She supported teachers and paraprofessionals to work with students with high functioning autism in the general education setting. Click here to read more.