What We Do
Coach young adults on the Autism Spectrum to improve their skills in order to live purposeful lives.
We can help because we understand autism.
We act in several roles as we work with
your individual to create an effective life.
We understand autism!
You will find our approach is unique and client centered. Unlike some other programs that are scripted and try to shoehorn the autist to fit into an already established training program, we listen deeply for what the client believes about themselves and the world around them.
We analyze what we hear through the lens of common, and unique autistic traits, and then position this next to common adult skills, such as social skills, communication on the job, and other life skills. By acknowledging the client’s specific position, or life view, and skill set, we are able to build trust and begin to suggest incremental changes that the client believes are possible.
Autism Solutions Group’s programs assist clients in increasing confidence in their ability to cope with daily life. With each interaction we hone our understanding of the client and their needs and prepare to teach and facilitate the necessary skills for success. The point being that these are Client Centered choices for improvement.

We know what it takes to progress!
Much like an athletic coach, our process assumes a baseline of performance that needs adjustments to make improvements.
Through one-on-one coaching, sometimes in the comfort of their own homes, we assess “where they are” and then look for ways to build a plan for moving forward. We guide our clients to see a path, set priorities and work toward an effective plan to accomplish their goals. This analysis and discernment process includes functionality assessments in life domains, such as
conversational skills, home care, banking, hygiene, work related and school related skills. Some of these are informal, gathered from our conversations, others are online, or checklist based. We use proprietary and other available resources as appropriate.
We facilitate social communication through our proprietary Context Conversation Model and scripting to improve the capacity to make and keep satisfying relationships both socially and professionally.
We facilitate motivation and follow-through by helping clients find direction in life and seek ways to emphasize their talents in such a way that it motivates them to make changes and grow.
We can teach you how!
When we find specific skills that are needed, we teach! From personal hygiene, to banking, to job interviews we use our vast experience to teach and practice any deficient skills that are needed for an effective, satisfying life.
We teach wellness practices like personal hygiene, consistent, healthy eating and sleeping patterns, as well as the benefits of balanced nutrition. We may recommend supplements or other dietary changes that can improve health and lifestyle. We have taught meal planning and preparation,
laundry, how to clean a bathroom, and other household activities. We teach use of a bank or credit card and safe spending and awareness of money.
Sadly, what often comes with autism is anxiety and stress. We teach stress reduction techniques that may include physical and mental strategies for clients to manage their own stress levels so that clients can have satisfying relationships, improved quality of life, and make positive contributions to the world around them.

We are there to represent you!
We can speak on behalf of the client. While our goal is ultimately to make the client as independent as possible, often in the early
stages our clients are not able to advocate for themselves. We collaborate with a variety of others including doctors, professors, parents, employers, agencies, school and work personnel to support our clients.
We advocate for clients as they navigate the complexities associated with each environment. We may assist these providers in understanding the needs of the client in order to work more smoothly toward a shared goal.