Who We Serve
Our clients are 18 years and older, with average intellectual ability or above, and who are struggling to attend school, secure and hold a job, have successful relationships, and identify their strengths. Our clients may be on the Autism Spectrum, or have many of the neurodivergent characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ADHD, or simply may have never felt like they fit in. If your young adult child is having difficulty functioning in the world, feels out of place or hopeless about their ability to contribute in life, Autism Solutions Group is here to help.

High School Students
All too often, the supports given in high school are no longer available to a student who has graduated.
- Where will they find friends?
- How will they learn to drive?
- I can’t take him to a part-time job because I’m working.
- He had a job but got fired, now he stays in his room playing video games.
- They are awake when we are asleep.
- My child doesn’t listen to me any more.
So often you have been so focused on getting your child through high school, you haven’t focused on what comes after. Young people on the spectrum need more guidance and our coaches are trusted adults who have their best interest at heart. With no agenda other than their chosen success, we advocate for the child to learn to speak for themselves in a way they can be understood. This includes developing a more mature relationship with you as the parents that works toward equality and understanding, while identifying motivators to inspire positive, productive actions.
Struggling College Students
She was accepted, and is academically capable but has burned out twice!
College is so much more than academics. A new student must manage new social relationships, transportation, new locations, a dorm, roommates, and living on their own for the first time. We want our young people to be successful but most parents don’t know how or have the time to help them at the level of detail necessary. We provide step-by-step guidance and skills training for the specific difficulties of the individual.
Some areas of coaching include:
- Communication with professors and peers
- When to bathe and change clothes
- How and when to do homework
- How and what to eat in order to maintain health
- How to reset emotions and destress after a day in class

Unemployed or Underemployed
He graduated with honors but now works sweeping floors. She's too anxious to even try to work.
We work directly with your young person to determine strengths, weaknesses and next steps. They are completely dependent on you for food, shelter and social interaction. You are simply at your wits end trying to figure out what to do.
- Can they learn to make their own doctors appointments?
- Can they learn to plan and make healthy meals?
- Can they learn to manage money and make appropriate buying choices?
- How can they speak to an employer to get a job that matches their skills?
- Will they need to go back to school? For what?
Frequently our clients have anxiety or other mental health issues that inhibit their capacity to learn something new and tolerate the inevitable tension when learning something new. Our coaches use a multidisciplinary approach to address these needs.
Parents on the Spectrum
Young adults grow up, and sometimes become parents.
Having a baby is a huge transition for anyone but for an individual on the Spectrum the demands are even greater. Autism Solutions Group uses our extensive knowledge of child development and autism to assist the parents to fulfill the roles of caregiver, nurturer, nutritionist, teacher, logistician and other important aspects of being a new parent. Our coaches help develop and support systems for dealing with repetitive tasks, like laundry and bathing, so the child is well cared for and the adults can be calm and confident.
We strive to:
- Teach positive parenting techniques
- Teach child nutrition and developmental milestones
- Scaffold executive function
- Teach, build and support hygienic practices
- Support mental health for effective parenting

Parenting Children on the Spectrum
Neurotypical parents with a child on the Spectrum often are initially shocked, in disbelief, and baffled by what to do.
- Why isn't she talking?
- How can I get him to look at me?
- How will they do in daycare, in school?
- How do I help her manage her emotions?
- My child doesn’t listen to me any more.
Autism Solutions Group coaches will observe the family interactions and match processes or education to the family’s values. Once a family knows what is important for their child, it is easier to collaborate with our providers to develop a customized plan or process that fits the family and child. We are sensitive to the variations of family culture and values and will work together to identify needs and provide solutions.